Podcast Ep 4: 13 Benefits of a Daily Walk

Why is being consistent in walking or doing any activity every day so important: Consistency in performing a task can bring about many benefits.

Before I get to the benefits of walking every day, let’s start with why it’s important to be consistent. Whether it’s walking or anything you do in life, there is a big payoff if you do it on an ongoing consistent basis. 

Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very far. - Thomas Jefferson

Please remember, consistency is not just about the frequency of the task; it also involves maintaining a high level of quality and commitment throughout.

Your daily walk doesn’t have to be epic. A simple 30-minute walk provides awesome benefits.

Benefits of Walking 30-Minutes a Day

Walking as little as 30-minutes a day at a comfortable pace has been shown to:

  • Reduce the risks of heart disease

  • Increase stamina

  • Improve overall health

  • Reduce stress

  • Improve self-esteem and mood 

 I call these easy walks Pleasure walking and they have great benefits so, don’t miss out on them!

When you are pleasure walking, you can generally walk a mile between 17-24 minutes.

Pleasure walking is a good beginner level, which will build stamina and strength. The focus of this level is your long-term health and improved quality of life, and enjoying the walk.

Read More: 11 Reasons to Love Walking

5 Advantages of Maintaining Consistency when Walking and in Your Everyday Activities:

  1. Skill Development: Consistently practicing a task allows you to hone your skills and improve your competence over time. I find that if I haven’t gotten out to walk for a few days, I feel awkward and stiff. It’s like my muscles and joint need to be loosened up like the tin man in the Wizard of Oz. When I consistently walk every day… I’m immediately in the groove and my walking motion is fluid and smooth. By engaging in regular practice, you reinforce your knowledge, enhance muscle memory, and become more proficient in executing the task. Consistency creates a solid foundation for skill development and helps you reach higher levels of expertise.

  2. Increased Efficiency: Regularly performing a task leads to increased efficiency and productivity. Walking everyday forces you to create a routine to get out the door quickly and easily. As you become familiar with the process and develop a routine, you can identify areas for improvement, optimize your workflow, and find ways to complete the task more quickly and effectively. Consistency allows you to streamline your efforts, saving time and energy in the long run.

  3. Building Habits: Consistency is key to forming and reinforcing positive habits. By consistently engaging in a task, you train your brain to associate that activity with a particular cue or trigger. Over time, the behavior becomes automatic and requires less conscious effort. Consistency helps transform the task into a habit, making it easier to maintain and integrate into your daily routine. Think about the get out the door routine you learned about in episode number one of this podcast.

  4. Long-Term Progress: Consistency plays a crucial role in achieving long-term goals. When you consistently work on a task, even in small increments, you accumulate progress over time. Each step forward, no matter how small, contributes to the overall advancement.  When I was doing my Virtual Walk Around the United States, getting out the door everyday helped me make constant progress. I loved watching my mileage numbers increase over time. I’ll leave a link in the show notes so you can read about the walk I completed in 2020 and how the end was such a letdown. Consistency helps you stay on track, maintain momentum, and steadily move toward your desired outcomes. The key word here is momentum. When I was doing market research for my complete walking program, all of my interviewees said that they need help developing self-discipline and how to hold themselves accountable when they stopped exercising for a day or two. They wanted to know how to stop two days of no walking or exercising from becoming two weeks. In my program I help you develop the habit of getting out the door easier which will lead to long term progress.

  5. Personal Growth and Discipline: Consistency fosters personal growth and discipline. By committing to a task and sticking with it consistently, you demonstrate self-discipline, resilience, and determination. Overcoming challenges and staying motivated through regular practice cultivates a sense of achievement, boosts self-confidence, and instills a growth mindset. Consistency becomes a character-building trait that extends beyond the task at hand.

How Much Should You Walk?

The key will be to focus on consistency rather than intensity. I recommend 30 to 60 minutes of walking per day on most days of the week.

You don’t have to do the walks all at one time. Several mini-walks of 10 minutes or more are just as effective as one long walk.


Ideas to Get in More Walking Time:

  • Walk in the morning, at lunchtime, and at dinnertime for at least 10 minutes or more.

  • Walk to a local destination instead of driving.

  • Park your car a few blocks from your job or other destination.

  • Window-shop at the mall.

  • Keep a log of your walking miles and time to use as a motivational tool.

  • Schedule a 20-30 minute session on a treadmill if you have access on one.

If you look at what you do each day, you’ll begin to find so many opportunities to get in more walking time.

13 Benefits of Walking Every Day

Walking every day offers a range of benefits for both physical and mental well-being.

So, if you’re sitting on the couch or driving in your car and are looking for a reason to get out the door, you should find several from this list that will resonate with you.

1.    Improved cardiovascular health: Regular walking strengthens your heart and improves circulation. It can help reduce the risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure, and improve overall cardiovascular fitness.

2.    Weight management: Walking is a low-impact exercise that burns calories and contributes to weight management. It can help you maintain a healthy weight or support weight loss when combined with a balanced diet. Since I started walking as my exercise of choice several years ago, I’ve stayed withing 5 pounds of my ideal weight. I eat what I want to… within moderation and I don’t worry about weight gain.

3.    Enhanced mood and mental well-being: Walking releases endorphins, which are natural mood boosters. It can reduce stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression. Spending time outdoors while walking also allows for fresh air and exposure to nature, further enhancing mental well-being. When I began walking the mindset benefits were what surprised me the most. I came back from every walk refreshed physically and mentally. It is truly a natural high.

4.    Increased energy levels: Engaging in regular walking can boost energy levels and combat feelings of fatigue. Walking promotes oxygen flow and circulation, delivering nutrients and oxygen to the muscles and tissues, ultimately leaving you feeling more energized.

5.    Stronger muscles and bones: Walking is a weight-bearing exercise that helps strengthen and tone the muscles, particularly in the lower body. It also aids in improving bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. When you perform bodyweight exercises during your walk, you supercharge the effects of both to strengthen muscles and bones.

If your looking for a program to help you build muscle, then take a good look at my Fitness Walking Exercise Program.

6.    Improved joint health and flexibility: Walking helps lubricate the joints, reducing stiffness and promoting better joint mobility. It can be a gentle exercise option for individuals with arthritis or joint pain.

7.    Improved digestion and metabolism: Walking can aid in digestion by stimulating intestinal muscles and promoting bowel regularity. It also helps optimize your metabolic rate, contributing to better nutrient absorption and overall digestive health.

8.    Enhanced immune function: Regular exercise, including walking, has been linked to a stronger immune system. Walking helps increase the circulation of immune cells, making you more resilient to illnesses.

9.    Better sleep: Walking can contribute to improved sleep quality. It can help regulate sleep patterns, reduce insomnia, and promote a deeper, more restful sleep.

10. Longevity: Studies have shown that regular walking is associated with increased longevity. It's a simple and accessible form of exercise that can help improve overall health and extend life expectancy. Studies have shown that older persons mobility has a direct impact on life expectancy.

11. Enhanced creativity and productivity: Taking a break from sedentary activities and going for a walk can boost creativity and improve cognitive function. It allows your mind to wander and helps alleviate mental blocks, leading to increased productivity and focus when you return to your tasks. In episode one of the Walking for Health and Fitness Podcast I talked about how on my long walks I plan what I call the mid-walk turnaround. I stop at a coffee shop, pull out pen and paper and write out all the ideas that came to me during the walk. This process has been the highlight of my long walks. Check out episode one for my story on how walking helps me be more creative.

12. Social interaction and connection: Walking provides an opportunity for socializing and connecting with others. You can go for walks with friends, family, or join walking groups in your community, fostering social bonds and a sense of belonging.

13. Accessible and cost-effective: Walking is a simple and accessible form of exercise that doesn't require any special equipment or gym memberships. You can walk almost anywhere, making it a cost-effective way to stay active and improve your health.

 Those were the 13 Benefits of Walking Every Day. I hope many resonate with you and help you get out the door and off on a great walking adventure.

Walk on,
Frank S. Ring
Walking for Health and Fitness, Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercises, Walking Inspiration, and Walking Logbook Journal.