Fitz Koehler's Inspiring Cancer Comeback Story | Ep. 18

Fitness professional, race announcer, and breast cancer survivor Fitz Koehler reached out to appear on the podcast. As show prep, I downloaded her book, My Noisy Cancer Comeback with the intention of skimming the book and prepare a few questions.

Once I read the first two pages, I knew I wanted to read every word in her book. Fitz goes into great details in describing the seriousness of her breast cancer spreading like wildfire. How just six weeks earlier she had a clean breast cancer scan. She holds nothing back in detailing the brutal effects chemotherapy took on her body. And fifteen months later defeating cancer.

While the side effects of the chemotherapy drugs for her breast cancer were worse than the symptoms of the cancer itself, Fitz’s doctors knew they had to be aggressive in her treatment. The “mean chemo” she endured included days of bedridden sickness, the inability to walk her dog for more than a few yards beyond her house, significant weight loss to her already lean body, chemo brain (forgetfulness), and how every hair on her body fell out!

What I found fascinating was throughout her 15 months of treatment, Fitz continued to fulfill her race announcing duties all over the country. From the Big Sur Marathon to the Buffalo Marathon and many races in between, Fitz used the passion for her work and the accompanying adrenaline rush to will her body into action to give “her athletes” the best possible race day experience.

Fitz’s was determined to continue doing the thing she loves including she how race announcing is the best job in the world and to continue her fitness business,

Here is Fitz's advice for anyone facing cancer:

  • Perspective: don't "why me" it

  • Pursue your passions; do not stay home. "Include living in your life because that's what you're fighting for. "

  • Control what you can. You can weaponize fitness and nutrition to help you through your ordeal. This increases your chance of remission and decreases your chance of recurrence.

Fitz also teaches that it's essential to be in the best shape because you never know when illness or accident will impact your life. Listen and learn more about Fitz Koehler, her cancer, and her comeback!

About Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler of is a fitness innovator, breast cancer-crusher, and the author of multiple books, including My Noisy  Cancer ComebackYour Healthy Cancer Comeback, and the Healthy Cancer Comeback Journal. 

She’s also one of America's most exciting keynote speakers and a premier race announcer. After waging her own incredible comeback, Fitz works tirelessly to help other cancer patients and survivors weaponize exercise, nutrition, and mental fortitude to go from sick to strong and beyond!

Walk on,
Author: Walking for Health and Fitness, Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercises, Walking Inspiration, and Walking Logbook Journal.