pleasure walking exercise program

30 Benefits of Taking a Long Walk

30 Benefits of Taking a Long Walk

A great indicator of your state of health is how long you can walk. I define a long walk as being over one hour in duration. Getting out on the road and taking a long walk is the high point of my walking experience!

15 Winter Gift Ideas for the Walking Enthusiast in Your Life. Don’t Forget to Treat Yourself!

15 Winter Gift Ideas for the Walking Enthusiast in Your Life. Don’t Forget to Treat Yourself!

During the cold winter months, between the hustle and bustle of your busy life and getting out to do your walking workout, it can be easy to forget a gift for someone on your list. No worries, shopping for your walking family members or friends is easier than you think. These 15 winter gift ideas for the walking enthusiast will bring a smile to everyone’s face.

Knowledge is Power. Read my blog post that accompanies each product suggestion

Also, remember to treat yourself for all the walking miles you’ve put in!