fitness walking bodyweight exercises

30 Benefits of Taking a Long Walk

30 Benefits of Taking a Long Walk

A great indicator of your state of health is how long you can walk. I define a long walk as being over one hour in duration. Getting out on the road and taking a long walk is the high point of my walking experience!

Mall Walking for Fitness and Health

Mall Walking for Fitness and Health

Malls, the large structures full of stores, teenagers, and memories of stress-filled crowded holiday shopping days. But let’s step away from the crowds, do something that will save you money, and possibly your life. Mall walking for fitness and health is a great way to get fit, stay fit, and do it within a climate-controlled environment. Now listen to the Audio Version!

Amazon Release of Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercises

Amazon Release of Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercises

ARE YOU READY TO LEARN THE SECRET TO: Feeling great, living longer, having a positive mindset, and save money in the process? See how walking, yes walking for health and fitness, is the easiest way to get in shape and stay in shape. You need to get in shape and you want to feel good physically and mentally, but you don’t know how to start a fitness walking exercise program.