walking tips

Newsletter Walking Inspiration Issue 10 Spring-Summer 2021

Newsletter Walking Inspiration Issue 10 Spring-Summer 2021

Walking for Health and Fitness is proud to release the latest issue of our Walking Inspiration Newsletter.
Issue 10 Spring/Summer 2021.

Hiking the Paulinskill Valley Rail Trail - Part 1

Hiking the Paulinskill Valley Rail Trail - Part 1

As I prepared for my walking adventures this spring, I spend a good deal of time searching for a walking route with smooth, even footing, gradual inclines and declines, and a shaded trail that goes on for miles and miles. I know, I thought it would be easier to find a unicorn in a haystack, but to my great surprise and good fortune, such a trail does exist.

On the hottest day of late spring, I found the most walkable trail in North Jersey called the Paulinskill Valley Rail Trail.

10 Walking Tips for Beginners

10 Walking Tips for Beginners

Here are the 10 walking tips for beginners based on questions I’ve received through email, from viewers of my YouTube Channel, and readers of my walking books and website.

In This 10 Walking Tips for Beginners, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s):